On 14 - 15 July 2007 Dan (AKA Wilf), Nigel, Martin, Elliot, Scot and Holly (plus one trusty roadie) will be taking on the ridiculously hardcore challenge of walking 24 peaks in 24 hours in aid of the NDCS. It's gonna hurt. Lots. This is where we’ll be tracking our progress (or lack of it) with our training and fundraising. Feel free to leave your supportive/derisive/random comments, and while you're at it, why don't you sponsor us? Check out http://www.justgiving.com/joinme24peaks.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Drinking Ban!!

Because i've been meaning to post this for ages!!

Success!! :-) I managed to go the whole month without alcohol. I'm pretty chuffed with myself as i had many temptations thrown at me during the month, thanks to lots of nights out in various drinking establishments.

I managed to get quite a bit of money for the cause too, though maybe not as much as i was hoping for......sorry team......thanks very much though to all those who donated! Have a pint on me (tap water of course ;-))

I considered extending the month to 6 weeks after the very tempting offer of an alcohol filled cake baked by the Join Me Queen of cooking Mrs J. Sadly i'd already planned and had my heart set on a lovely glass of white wine to celebrate. I do however plan to repeat the alcohol ban after christmas in an attempt to lose weight for the walk itself in July.

In the mean time, bottoms up.......Cheers everyone. Down the hatch....etc etc. I'm off down the pub